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Lesson 2- Believe in your positives

Believe is a word that inspires you to live for a day or more in your life. Believe is the word that ensures you to survive today no matter how many challenges you face. Believe is the word that lets you make the decision for your future. Believe is an emotion that you convey to your peer that you're strong enough to handle the given task. Believe in your decision and make them your positives.

Why should I believe myself when my decisions are always bad? 

No one is born a genius, an expert or a leader. It is on their belief and acceptance of their decision on any outcome. It is our belief on how we should act further from the current outcome of the decision. The given flowchart below is one of my experiences and method that I personally follow to obtain the goal on whatever decision I make. I just believe in myself that a failure is a next step for the success.

Example: A mother never fails to give up on her teaching just because she wants to see the other end of the results of her kid learning positives. Here you can always observe that mother might make a mistake or two but she is always ready to accept that and move forward to survive and teach her experience to her kids. 

how are belief and survival connected to each other? 

Survival always depends on your belief towards your decision. A team to survive throughout the tournament they respect and believe the decisions made by the captain and coach, a businessman to survive he always believes his decision towards his motive. The science behind survival and belief are in our brains and actions how we portray the thoughts. It is how we respect our own decision and act towards that.

A teacher conducts a surprise test to understand how students are well versed with the subject. But students have their own motive, some might want to ace it, while some want to survive with passing marks. Here, students can use any methodologies to survive such as:
  • Logics/knowledge
  • Copy from another source
  • Use experience on the respective domain.
from above points, we might judge them on different basis but it all comes down for survival. If it is a failure they learn and if it is a success they still learn. It is all with our belief to respect our decision and move forward, in this process we learn and survive.

I always get this doubt on this question asked by HR
"Where do you see yourself in the next 5 year's?” 

I finally found the answer to that, its simple "I don't know!" I believe in today and work for it. I believe if I can put my best efforts into my motive that will create an opening tomorrow, if I survive today I can do the same tomorrow. So, I just don't know what I will be in the next 5 years but I know that I can be better than yesterday.

Believe in what you have than what you don't for survival and act accordingly to it. Believe in the positives that you have and they will be your aid for your goal and they will help you to survive.

This was the lesson 2 taught to me by my peers.


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